The world around us is replete with architectural order in the form of geometric expression. The geometry of collective conscience is made evident in natural forms from the fractal growth of flower petals to the ratios of “the divine proportion” in our bodies. The mind of creativity unfolds through geometry’s universal language.
Good form making involves rational underlying structure as well. You can improve your form making by coming to better understanding the underlying structure of those forms present in natural phenomena as well as quality pattern and proportioning in the works of humankind.
Architect, author, and educator Scott Onstott has modified an open-source CAD application called QCAD to allow users to easily build geometric constructions. His simplified tool, named “Q” for “Qualia” (the quality or feeling of perception) renders accessible the complex world of geometric forms that surround us.
Qualia is the quality or feeling of perception. We experience the taste of chocolate, the color of a sunset or the essence of a pentagram as distinct qualia. Some philosophers believe qualia are precisely what differentiate conscious beings from mindless machines. In any case, qualia and consciousness are inextricably entangled.
Scott Onstott
With this tool, you can easily explore the inner workings of creative order. You can also examine the order in creations of other artists and designers through drawing over imported images of their work. So, in addition to building one’s own geometric expressions, Q comes with many example drawings to explore, AND IT’S FREE! Download Q for MacOS or Windows here: https://scott.training/course/drawing-program-for-sacred-geometry. (You will find it toward the lower-third of the page, which is full of great thoughts on sacred geometry and consciousness from Scott.)
Scott is also and excellent teacher, very accomplished in both in-person and virtual modes of classes. He offers many tutorial courses at https://scott.training. You can enroll in a course on the site in which Scott will walk you through constructions of sacred geometry. Definitely worth your investment!
I have used Q directly in the development of corporate identity. I find exploring sacred geometry to be an energizing way to find potential forms for abstract expression of brand concepts. Below are a few examples of recent explorations: (click the image to see the geometric relationship composing the logomark.)

visit https://ellojeo.com to see this identity in action –>